Our Mission, Vision, and Values

Our Mission

The Delaware Choral Society (DCS) mission is to bring the enrichment of choral music to the central Delaware area:

  • by offering membership in a non-auditioned choir, and
  • by offering community audiences the opportunity to hear quality affordable, musically diverse choral concerts at least twice annually. DCS welcomes singers from all sectors of the community irrespective of race, gender, ethnicity, faith or LGBTQ status.

Our Vision

The Delaware Choral Society strives to increase the awareness of the power of choral music. Through concert presentations, DCS endeavors to raise perception of the value of well executed choral singing in building community, bridging generations, and facilitating understanding of musical form and artistry.
Partnership with youth organizations educates the next generation of choral singers.

Our Values

The Delaware Choral Society, through our board, our artistic directors, and our membership is committed to providing outstanding choral music to our local community. Music enriches the lives of the performers and the lives of those who listen, allowing them to learn about music and its impact on the culture at the time of its creation, as well as its relevance to the present. In our strategic plan, DCS has established goals in each of the following areas:

  • improvement of the artistic quality of our programs as assessed through audience evaluation, self-evaluation and through assessment from DDOA (Delaware Division of the Arts).
  • improvement of service by DCS to our community and to make our programs more readily available to our community
  • improvement in the management of the DCS organization to better serve our audiences and members and to attract a more diverse membership